26 percent of men and 21 percent of women feel strained by carrying and lifting heavy loads. It is therefore not surprising that back problems are among the most common work-related complaints (51 percent of women and 44 percent of men). At 21.2 percent, they are even the most common reason for absenteeism from work. With suitable measures taking ergonomics into account, these stresses can be reduced and the number of work-related illnesses reduced. The basic idea of ergonomics and workplace design is humanity and economy. Humanity, because work should be designed as humanely as possible. Economy, because the implementation of ergonomic knowledge leads to better work results. Thus, one of the basic tasks of ergonomics is the adaptation of work to people.
Ergonomic workplace design with the help from Best Handling Technology
Different workplace components should be taken into account which, as coordinated systems, can improve conditions in the workplace:
Work equipment such as machines, tools, hardware and software.
Working environment (lighting, room temperature, hazardous substances, noise level, radiation, vibration, ...)
Workplace/workspace (movement space, reach spaces, room dimensions, chairs, tables, ...)
Work organization (working time, quantity, sequence, change of workplace, break regulations, ...)
Work content (variety of requirements, change of workload, ...)

Human-oriented design of work" - a DIN standard has also been drawn up for this purpose. The ergonomics standard DIN EN ISO 6385 deals with the ergonomic design of equipment and machines, working environments and personal protective equipment. The aim of DIN EN ISO 6385 is to provide the necessary basic knowledge of ergonomics and ergonomic principles to support the design of new work systems or the redesign of existing ones.
Adaptation of work to people
Employees who experience physical wear and tear often cut out of their jobs prematurely. Ergonomic improvements in the workplace counteract this, employees are motivated, absenteeism is reduced, and profitability can be increased. Physical workloads can be reduced through adapted handling systems. This has a direct positive impact on productivity. After all, healthy and satisfied employees work more efficiently, which ultimately has an impact on profitability. Ergonomics is not "nice to have", but directly contributes to the well-being of employees and is an essential safety, quality and productivity factor.
Technologies for ergonomic support
Automation is usually only used for repetitive processes. But how can employees in interfaces be relieved of physically demanding tasks? There are different technologies for lifting and moving, which can be combined with different gripping concepts to create a variety of handling devices. The goal here is to use the optimal technology for the respective work process. Optimal means, among other things:
The greatest possible relief for the operator
Simple, intuitive use
Consideration of the operators, e.g. whether they change frequently
Adaptation to required speed and precision
There are handling aids for different tasks that support the employee in his work in industry and trade and thus preserve the employee's health.
Vacuum lifter
For example, fast movements at a workstation can be supported with a vacuum lifter. Products are lifted, moved and put down without the employee having to do any heavy lifting. It doesn't matter what products are involved. Typical containers that a vacuum lifter moves and transports are bags, cartons and drums. In addition, we find containers such as buckets, cartons, boxes, plates and sheets, as well as rolls and coils. With the appropriate load handling device, a stationary vacuum lifter can be optimally adapted to different tasks. It can be used to move and handle goods quickly, safely and ergonomically.
Mobile lifting aid
A mobile lifting aid, on the other hand, is not dependent on location and can be used at different workplaces as required. Mobile lifting aids are particularly suitable when objects have to be lifted repeatedly and transported over a limited distance from or to different locations. Advantages are the easy handling, the safe pick-up and deposit of the goods as well as the very good maneuverability. Lifting aids can be used universally and are battery-powered. Thanks to versatile standardized accessories, they offer attractive support for many operations involving lifting and moving.
Lifting trolleys
A lifting trolley is able to perform a wide range of handling tasks: up/down, reach/release, swivel, tilt, free programming of different positions and customized pick-up and handling functions.
If sensitive products have to be handled, assembled or joined in a precise position, the use of a balancer is recommended. With a balancer, the products are not guided by an operating device, but directly. Applications are in the areas of handling when joining and assembling components, such as the assembly of machines, apparatus and vehicles, component and subassembly assembly, the loading of machine tools, as well as assembly assistance for engines, gearboxes and couplings, and in tool changing. In addition, in many other, mostly precise handling tasks.

In summary, it can be said that the effect of implementing ergonomic processes primarily affects the health of the employee, but also significantly increases the economy of the company. Employees are the capital of any company, they experience appreciation in their work and identify more strongly with their company, they are more motivated and stay healthy. So it is important: an efficient workplace design not only improves the performance of the employee, but also his well-being and the quality of the products and thus the effectiveness and economy of the company.